Author’s Guide

Authors Guidelines

1. All authors can use this template to write their manuscripts.

2. Please use this document for preparing title page.

3. The guidelines for manuscript preparation and final paper submission to the Advances in Knowledge-Based Systems, Data Science, and Cybersecurity  are given below.

4. Papers should neither have been previously published nor been sent to other journals before the final decision from Advances in Knowledge-Based Systems, Data Science, and Cybersecurity.

5. All of the necessary documents (manuscript, cover letter, copyright from, etc.)  should be submitted electronically to the site.

6. The authors are strongly recommended to use the Latex Package and can use the AAIML Class File preparation of the PDF.

7. Typical papers should not exceed 7500 words or 12 journal pages.

8. The abstract should contain 200-280 words. A maximum five Keywords by the capital letters and in alphabetical order should be provided after the abstract.

9. All related figures and tables should have high quality. Original versions of figures (in JPG, EPS figure formats) should be presented.

10. The authors should Prepare References according to the guidelines set by journal, Authors can follow the style of references from this Document’s Reference section.

11. The authors are responsible for the content of the contribution. The last version of the paper before publishing will be sent to the corresponding author for the final check.

If the number of authors is more than one, the corresponding author should be indicated.

12. Accepted paper for publishing that is edited by the journal cannot be changed.

13. Submitted papers to the Advances in Knowledge-Based Systems, Data Science, and Cybersecurity will not be returned to the author(s) after peer review process.

Editorial Policies and Editorial Process

Advances in Knowledge-Based Systems, Data Science, and Cybersecurity is a dynamic publication model that encourages experts to provide original research, reviews, and article interpretations as articles, with tables and graphical representations all around.

Article Processing Charges: Advances in Knowledge-Based Systems, Data Science, and Cybersecurity is a journal under Shimur Publications. It is not funded by any institution/organization. As a result, the Journal's activities have been solely supported by article fees.  These costs are essential to keep the Journal running smoothly. Advances in Knowledge-Based Systems, Data Science, and Cybersecurity is an open-access journal that does not charge a subscription fee.  Aside from the article fees, there are no submission fees. Article Processing Charges will be required only after the manuscript is accepted for publication.

Article TypeArticle Processing Charges (USD)
Regular Articles
500 USD

The basic article preparation expense or original copy dealing with the cost is based on the cost cited above, but it may differ depending on broad changes, shaded impacts, further expansion of the article's number of pages, and so on.

Submission of an Article

Authors should ensure that the level, length, and configuration of an original copy submission meet Journal, Advances in Knowledge-Based Systems, Data Science, and Cybersecurity requirements at the submission and amendment stages to avoid delays. Separate from the main content, submitted articles should have a 300-word abstract/summary.


Note: Authors are solely responsible for any scientific misconduct in research papers or any other form of publication, including plagiarism; the publisher is not responsible for any scientific misconduct in any published research article. As a publisher, we will strictly adhere to the regulations and the EIC's recommendation to withdraw or reject any article if it contains a logical error or blunder.

Configurations for Advances in Knowledge-Based Systems, Data Science, and Cybersecurity  Contributions: Advances in Knowledge-Based Systems, Data Science, and Cybersecurity acknowledges the accompanying: Research articles, reviews, abstracts, addendums, commentaries, short communication, book reviews, letters to the editor, conference proceedings, case-reports, etc.

Cover Letter: A cover letter of 500 words or fewer should accompany the submission, immediately explaining the importance of the research, the authors' agreement to publish, the number of figures and tables, supporting compositions, and reinforcing information. For communication purposes, include the related author's current phone and fax numbers, as well as his or her postal and email addresses.

Article Preparation Guideline

Manuscript Title: The title should be restricted to 25 words or less and ought not to contain abbreviated forms. The title ought to be a brief-expression depicting the substance of the paper.

Author Name: Complete Name

Author affiliation:   Department, Institution, Country. The number will be in superscript.

E-Mail: E-Mail address of corresponding Author

Correspondence: Complete Name.

Abstract: The Abstract should be useful and comprehensive, rapidly presenting the topic, expressing the extent of the research, displaying essential data, and highlighting significant findings and conclusions. In 300 words or fewer, the abstract should summarise the content of the article. Abbreviated forms should be avoided and standard terminology should be used. A descriptive study background, methods, results, and conclusion should all be included in the optimal layout. Following the abstract, keywords (3-10) should be provided on the next line, followed by abbreviations.


Introduction: This section should set the tone of the work by providing clear information about the study, the research/informative study's literature, and the solution. The description in the introduction should be so detailed that it draws the reader's attention to the research.

Materials and Methods: This section should include a comprehensive explanation of the study's design. References should be made to specific descriptions of materials or members, correlations, intercessions, and types of research. Only novel procedures/methodologies should be described in depth; newly PUBLISHED methodologies should be highlighted, and important changes to PUBLISHED methodologies should be mentioned briefly. The manufacturer's name and address should be mentioned, as well as the trade name.

Results: The outcome section should include all study information that support the research conclusion. To convey the conclusions of the study experiment, the result should be written in the past tense. The findings that have previously been published should be reported in the present tense. The conclusion and discussion might be written together or separately.


The detailed description of data can be depicted in the Discussion part.


Major Findings and contributions to the Scientific community should be clearly Mentioned.

Conflict of interest: Proper Disclosure should be done by all authors on any financial and particular relationships with other organizations/institutionsor people that could inappropriately influence(bias) their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding.

Ethical Guideline: In any examinations on human or living creature subjects, the accompanying moral rules must be watched. For any analyses on people, all work must be directed as per the Declaration of Helsinki (1964). Original copies portraying exploratory work which conveys a danger of mischief to human subjects must incorporate an explanation that the investigation was directed with the human subjects' understanding and assent, just as an explanation that the capable Ethical Committee has affirmed the trials. On account of any Living creature tests, the creators must give a full depiction of any sedative or surgery utilized, just as proof that every conceivable advance were taken to maintain a strategic distance from creature enduring at each phase of the analysis.

Acknowledgment: The information about the people, grant details, funding sources, etc.

Note: If an author is not able to present his/her work according to the above instructions, they are requested to keep up clear titles to be specific headings, subheading.


The article already Published and accepted should be used in the reference list.

The papers which are submitted but not yet accepted cannot be cited.

The references are cited as numbers in the text.

For reference citation, Type of Bracket which should be used is “[ ]”.

For example, the citation of references should be in a format like, 2 continuous numbers will be separated by Comma [1,2]

If there is arrange of more than 2 than it will be separated by hyphen [3-5]


Example: Published Papers:

  • Rusmini F, Zhong Z, Feijen J. Protein Immobilization Strategies for Protein Biochips. Biomacromolecules. 2007;8:1775-1789.

Chapter reference:

  • Blaxter PS, Farnsworth TP. Social Health and Class Inequalities. In: Carter C, Peel JR, editors. Equalities and inequalities in health. 2nd ed. London: Academic Press. 1976:165-178.

Book Reference:

  • Carlson BM. Human Embryology and Developmental Biology. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby. 2004.

Edited Book Reference:

  • O'Campo P, Dunn JR, editors. Rethinking Social Epidemiology: Towards a Science of Change. Dordrecht: Springer. 2012:348.

Webpage Reference:

  • A full link to the webpage is required. Mainly link from NCBI is preferred.

Figures and Tables


  • Figures should be mentioned as, FIGURE 1, all letters of the Figure will be in caps all around the text.
  • The Same should be followed for the Table also.
  • If there are two figures, then it will be, FIGURE 1 and FIGURE 2and if there are more than 2 then it should be like, FIGURE 3- FIGURE 8.
  • If the paragraph starts with the Author’s Name then it should be written as Author’s Name with et. al. [Reference No].
  • The Figures in the content part should be Centre Align and the figure legend’s heading will be be Bold  - 10.
  • Figure legend -TIMES NEW ROMAN 10: Centre Align and with colon (:), Below the Figure.
  • Table legend -TIMES NEW ROMAN 10: Centre Align and with colon (:), Above the Table.


Supplementary Information

Discrete things of the Supplementary Information (for instance, figures, tables) alluded to at a proper point in the principle content of the paper. Synopsis graph/figure included as a component of the Supplementary Information (discretionary). All Supplementary Information is provided as a solitary PDF record, where conceivable. Record size inside as far as possible for Supplementary Information. 


Evidences and Reprints

Electronic verifications will be sent as an attachment through email to the corresponding author as a PDF document. Page proofs are viewed as the last form of the original copy. Except for typographical or minor administrative mistakes, no progressions will be made in the original copy at the verification stage. Authors will have free electronic access to the article (PDF) of the article. 

For Reprints Cost, please contact the following email:

 Policy on prior publication

We understand that authors and institutions appreciate clarity on Journal policies on prior publication and how these might sit alongside institutional requirements for authors to deposit their e-theses.

To avoid any doubt, Advances in Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning does not count publication of an academic thesis as prior publication. You can find further information in the summary below.


When work has not already been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere in other journals, Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning welcomes submissions from authors and will take them into consideration for publication. The following prior uses of a work are not considered prior publications by Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

  • Publication in the form of an abstract
  • Publication as an academic thesis
  • Publication as an electronic preprint


The journal allows the author(s) to hold the copyright and to retain publishing rights without restrictions. Submission of an original copy suggests that the work portrayed has not been PUBLISHED previously (with the exception of as an abstract or as a component of a PUBLISHED lecture, or thesis) and that it isn't getting considered for publication somewhere else. All works PUBLISHED by Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Articles are published in open access. There are no associated subscriptions or pay-per-view fees. and all Open Access articles are distributed under the terms of the ( Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited.

Open Access Statement

This is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author, if the original work and source is properly cited.


A plagiarism check will be done at the time of submission of the article. No article will be published if the paper is plagiarized more than 10%.


Withdrawal fee

The author should apply for withdrawal of their article within 7 days of submission. After 7 Days, the Author will have to pay 40% of the publication fee.