My research has made an important contribution to addressing the evolving nature of financial crime and to the development of technological solutions that facilitate law enforcement in this globally connected space. My research has contributed towards two REF Impact Case Studies and I have already developed a third in preparation for the REF 2028.
I have built an international reputation for excellence in policy-oriented research in financial crime. This is reflected in the advisory roles I have played nationally (Home Office, Law Commission, the Nationwide, Security Intelligence Services, Transparency International, Corruption Watch and the All Parliamentary Group on Anti-Corruption & Responsible Tax) and internationally (NATO, United Nations, Cepol, Europol, Euromed Police, the Dutch Police, the France Telecom Group and the Law Reform Commission of Ireland). I was invited by the Law Commission to discuss my research on terrorism financing as part of their suspicious activity reports review, and was the only UK academic to be invited by the United Nations to contribute towards its ‘Stakeholders Consultation on Trafficking of Dangerous Substances through Exploitation of E-Wallet Services’.
I have submitted written evidence to national bodies which has been cited, quoted and recommendations adopted (see submissions to House of Commons Treasury Select Committee: March 2019; House of Lords Select Committee on the Bribery Act 2010: March 2019 House of Commons Treasury Select Committee: evidence published January 2021 and submission to HM Revenue and Customs June 2021). In March 2021, I was invited by the Law Commission to assist with their investigation and consultation paper on Corporate Criminal Liability.